Heavy Duty Chemical Resistant Flooring for Tanker Loading Bay

Preparation and making good of existing tanker loading bay, followed by application of Pumadur HF heavy-duty polyurethane resin floor topping.

The existing protective coatings of this tanker loading bay had all but worn away, offering little to no protection to the concrete base. Any spillages were now resulting in corrosion of the concrete, with chemicals gathering in the potholes, further accelerating the corrosion.

The area was prepared using tungsten carbide tipped scabbling equipment, to remove the remnants of existing coatings and any weak friable concrete.

Once the area had been thoroughly vacuumed to remove dust and debris, any deep surface defects were made good using Laserbulk polyurethane bulking mortar. The area was then ready to apply a heavy-duty, chemical-resistant topping. Pumadur HF was chosen for its combination of wear, impact & chemical resistance.
