Altro Crete Polyurethane Resin Distillery Flooring
Client: White Peak Distillery
Lasercroft supported the White Peak Distillery by applying an Altro Proof Epoxy damp proof membrane, Ardex A38 screed to falls and Altro Crete 8mm Slip Resistant Variant to form hard-wearing, temperature resistant distillery floor protection.
With this fledgling distillery being located in an old wire works on the bank of the River Derwent, the first thing to consider was the provision of a functioning damp proof membrane. The slab was mechanically prepared, and an Altro Proof Epoxy DPM was applied to allow us to continue our application without fear of failure due to moisture from below.
An epoxy bonded Ardex A38 fast track screed was laid to create a fall towards the drains before overlaying with 8mm of Altro Crete slip-resistant polyurethane resin floor topping.
This heavy-duty product is an industry standard in the distilling and brewing industries due to its durability, chemical resistance and resistance to thermal shock.
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