Reprotec Deliver For the Royal Mail

Reprotec provides the perfect solution for a worn out painted floor at Royal Mail workshops.

The Royal Mail’s Team Valley maintenance workshops had been painted for many years by the postal staff. Layers of paint had been allowed to build up across the 1000m2 area over the years and was now posing more of a hazard than a benefit. The painted floor was dangerous with uneven areas of missing paint causing trip hazards and oil contaminating the surface was making the concrete slippery. The specification required the removal of the existing coatings and two coats of Altrotect to include anti-slip. As the workshops operate on a 24/7 basis with up to 44 tonne loads from vans up to trucks with 6 axles, the project timings were agreed to allow half the area to be completed to allow Royal Mail staff to operate in the other half. Because the noise of the floor preparation works disturbed the staff, it was agreed to commence preparation after 16.00 daily when less personnel were present. This flexible approach was also taken with the application of the type 2 flooring. The second phase was also carried in exactly the same way to ensure the Royal Mail staff could operate without disruption. Value was added by using smart engineering in the vehicle bays. The product was installed black to minimise possible marking where the wheels may spin and adding extra anti-slip to the ramp entrances to allow the vehicles to climb the ramp without the tyres slipping. The final waste figure on the project was 780 kgs of which 100% of the waste was diverted from landfill. Royal Mail are extremely pleased with the project, and further works are to be carried out.
